Buffalo Gear
48x18'' 断熱魚クーラーバッグ
48x18'' 断熱魚クーラーバッグ
バッファローギア フィッシュクーラーバッグ - 信頼できる断熱バッグ
バッファロー ギア 40x18 インチ フィッシュ クール バッグは、魚を新鮮なまま持ち運びできるように設計されており、この目的のために生まれました。バッファロー フィッシング バッグは、耐摩耗性と耐穴性を備えた頑丈な防水シートで作られています。このクーラー バッグは、魚を 1 日以上氷のように冷たく保ちます。
この 48x18 インチの Buffalo Gear は約 35 クォートですが、実際の容量は氷の量によって異なる場合があります。


Much easier to carry than my ice chest.I have a 12 foot boat and ever since I've been using this bag there is so much more room on the boat.Also does a good job of keeping my fish nice and cold.Would highly recommend this brand to anybody.
I purchased the 48" bag. It is made from heavy materials and it seems like it will last a long time. Used it on a salmon fishing trip. I didn't catch any fish but it kept my beer ice cold all day.
For the money this thing is good. I’ve had no water getting between the liner like other people complain about. I put a 20 bag of ice in it one day around 11. Fished all day but got skunked so I never had to reopen the bag. Threw it in the back of my truck. The next day I went to clean everything out of my truck and there was still a lot of ice. See pic. This was summer in SoCal so that impressive. My only gripe is I wish it had a flat bottom so it can expanded more and stand upright. A few weeks ago we put in a 15 lb dorado and a few 10 lb yellowtail and it was getting tight.
I bought on 48in loved the bag, but half a year later, the plug began to leak while fishing! Try to adjust but it looks like it will get tight and slips to loose.