Buffalo Gear
48x20'' 平底魚用クーラーバッグ
48x20'' 平底魚用クーラーバッグ
- 折りたたみ式なのでデッキスペースを占有しません
- 48時間以上冷たさと新鮮さを保ちます
- お手入れ簡単、洗い流して乾かすだけ
- 丈夫な22オンスのポリエステルターポリン裏地付き
- 耐久性の高いヒートシール、繊維織りスキン構造により、漏れを効果的に防ぎ、ボートを清潔に保ちます。

I hope so haven’t got to use it yet it’s been too windy so hopefully this up coming weekend I’ll break it in
Bought this for Northern California rock fish. Very rough and spiny fish.
Their spikes usually puncture everything and ruin them.
Well this bag held up great! Only my first run. But I placed 25 fish in it after I bleed them out. It kept them cool and fresh for hours.
Very much so, “Made by fishermen, for fishermen”!
2 people found this helpful
Made with quality, material very heavy duty. The zipper looks strong and long lasting. Handles at end of bag makes carrying easy.
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Huge. Too big for my use so I had to return. Quality made but bigger than expected.
When I moved from a cold climate to Hawaii, I didn't know that things could "melt" in the back of your car---like my very expensive masks, fins and snorkels. When I finally started using my gear for snorkeling, my masks leaked, my fins were all distorted, and I was pissed. So I bought this cooler bag to store my items in that back of my vehicle and it WORKS......it has enough insulation to protect and store certain items in back of my car without them melting. I don't use it for fishing, I use it to keep my property cool, and it works.