Buffalo Gear
72x28'' 折りたたみ式断熱魚クーラーバッグ YKK ジッパー付き
72x28'' 折りたたみ式断熱魚クーラーバッグ YKK ジッパー付き
バッファローギア - 信頼できる断熱72インチ魚用クーラーバッグ


独自の 1/2 インチ厚の、熱シールされた頑丈な繊維織り合わせスキンの二重構造により、水漏れが起こらず、ボートを清潔に保ちます。
22オンスの丈夫なポリエステル ターポリン製の内側の裏地を備えたこのクーラー フィッシュ バッグは、お手入れが簡単です。内側と底をスプレー ボトルの石鹸水で洗い流し、逆さまにして乾かすと、翌日の準備が整います。

I have a 22’ center console boat and this bad is a lifesaver as I fish in Kona, HI. This bag rolls up for easy storage and when you get into the big Pelagic’s just roll out the bag and you are ready. I ordered the 72” big boy as I actually run into fish that big and figured rather get bigger then wish I did later.
I have deployed this bag several times now. The most fish I have put in the bag so far at one time was (2) 30# Ono, 1 25# Aku, and a nice Mahi-mahi. I had this in the bag with about 70# of ice. There was still enough room easily for more. When you get the bag that loaded down it does make it difficult to lift and carry. That’s not the bags fault, just the hundreds of pounds of ice and fish that you have in the bag. The ice seems to stay good for a solid day while you are in the water. The handles seem to be heavy duty and they have held up while lifting the bag with fish and ice.
The clean up on the bag is solid. I have had blood and cuts on inside and out. With some Dawn soap and a brush and all was gone.
I would recommend this bag and glad I got it for the boat. Aloha
It's really seems like well-built bag. The zipper really seems like it is waterproof. The handles really feel comfortable if you have to lift up heavy bag. When rolled up really doesn't take that much room the cooler in this size wouldn't never fit in my boat
Haven't used it yet, but it seems to be made well with a durable material. Will update review if this proves to be incorrect upon usage.
Husband loves the quality of this fish bag....now I'll update y'all if he actually catches a fish to put in there!
It seems strong enough and capable. Let's see how it goes in the long run